Welcome to Beauty by Baker, LLC! I'm Detria Baker and I am excited to be a Sisterlocks TM Consultant Trainee, offering SisterlocksTM installations in Orlando and Gainesville, Florida and their surrounding areas. Sisterlocks is a natural hair management system that allows women and men with tightly textured hair to take advantage of a wide range of today's hairstyles without having to alter the natural texture of their hair.
*Sisterlocks TM can be installed on both natural and relaxed hair.
*Relaxed hair does not have to be cut in order to be Sisterlocked.
*SisterlocksTM offer many of the same styling options as relaxed hair including: color, styling, roller sets and more.
*Mens installations are called BrotherlocksTM.
For more information visit: www.sisterlocks.com
SisterlocksTM is offered as a package of 3 visits:
*Consultation. *Locking session (may be divided into two sessions to reduce the client's sitting time).
*First retightening session.
*********Ongoing maintenance (retightening sessions) is required every 6 - 8 weeks, depending on rate of hair growth. Additional charges apply at $75.00 per retightening session. Retightening sessions can take from 2 - 4 hours depending on amount of new growth and hair condition.